Welcome to the place for those who understand
the love affair between a pencil and cassette!
You likely grew up listening to vinyl, cassettes, and CDs and probably still have some of each.
You loved your Walkman, boombox, and Discman. (I still have mine.)
You can’t resist singing when an ’80s tune comes on and likely even sing in the grocery store.
You answer your kids, friends, and spouse with lyrics instead of “normal” replies.
And yes, you know how to use a pencil on that beloved cassette when it—gasp!—begins to unwind.
Me, too!
I’m thrilled you’re here and hope to stir up some of those warm, fuzzy, nostalgic feelings.
Surf righteously through the site for: Links to listen to the classics, a little blog about nostalgic thoughts and gadgets,
unique merch and rad quiz books, how to book a music quiz show for your next party or corporate event.
Need a fun guest for your podcast or other media event? Click here for details!
Check out my casual blog about music, toys, movies, gadgets and other fun stuff from a GenX childhood.
Like you (most likely), I grew up in the ’70s and ’80s and have many fond memories of that time. When I find a gadget or something cool happens that revolves around those seemingly-simpler days, I just may come here and share with you. I’d love to hear your thoughts about these stories!
Ready to go back in time? (Me, too!)
Drop me a line if you’d like to contribute a guest post!

Books and Merch
from me to you :)
Talk of the Town
“Whether on the road with my band or spending time with family and friends, Ultimate Mix Tape is our choice for game night.”
“Piano Man” in the Billy Joel and Twyla Tharp Tony award-winning musical “Movin’ Out,” 30-year touring musician, entrepreneur, author
[I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie]
“This combination of music with fun puzzles is a stellar duo like Run DMC and Aerosmith!”
original MTV VJ and host of
The Martha Quinn Morning Show, iHeart80s @103.7
[I Like Big Books and I Cannot Lie]
“I was laughing out loud at
every page. Such a fun spin
on the classics.”
Grammy-awarded entertainer and viral video sensation
[Ultimate Mix Tape]
“We were just going to look at a couple of the games. Before we knew it, two hours had flown by! And our listeners love it!”
owner, Wave 80 Radio, class of 1983