Finding Treasure: My Trapper Keeper®


As I was doing research for another blog post, a TC80s Gift Guide, I stumbled upon an article about the trusty Trapper Keeper®. Man, did that bring back memories! Mine was green and had a horse on both sides. I was a complete horse freak as a kid. (Who am I kidding? I still am!) In elementary and middle school, everything I had was adorned with a horse of some sort. Kids would bring me random horse-related items simply because they knew it would be a treasure to me.

Back to that article. It explained how difficult it is to find these organizational gems anymore because teachers banned them. While Mead is actually still making them (as of 2018 at least), they’re incredibly hard to find.

Reading this spurred me to do a search for the exact model I had and that must’ve been my extra-lucky day because the first item in the search results was THAT VERY ITEM in an eBay auction that was ending soon. The short version of the story is that I won the auction! The long version involves my brain switching from “I’d really like to have this” to a maniacal “I’ll get this no matter the cost” as I kept getting outbid and the seconds ticked down. Well, it cost me $40 and some change, but I’m the super-stoked owner of an old, loved and loved again, green Trapper Keeper® with a trotting bay horse on the front. Instead of holding science and English papers, it’s now holding manuscript research for the books I write. I think that’s pretty fitting.

Blessings to you!

UMT in TrapperKeeper.jpg

Ultimate Mix Tape Holiday Gift Guide